Larksong a Cappella Ensemble | Audio Samples


                            Song Samples from Larksong’s Albums                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Listen to audio samples on Amazon for In Good CompanyAll We Who Music LoveRenaissance ReflectionsSoftly the Stars Are Shining, and Yuletide Gifts. Also available on iTunes.

Yuletide Gifts

Christmas is Coming

Joy to the World

The Holly and the Ivy

Caroling, Caroling

In Good Company

Pastime with Good Company

Thus Sings My Dearest Jewel

I Love, Alas, I Love Thee 

So ben me ch'a bon tempo 

Hark, All Ye Lovely Saints Above

Softly the Stars are Shining

Softly the Stars were Shining

Here We Come a Caroling

Lutebook Lullabye

Fum, Fum, Fum

Renaissance Reflections

Fair Phyllis

Fa Una Canzone

Sing We and Chant It

All recordings are the property of Larksong. These audio files are for personal use only. Thanks.

For more information about our music or performances, send email to
For problems or suggestions on the website, send email to
or call 410-496-4264

© Larksong 2020